This article will show you how to organize manuals in categories within your site. When you add a category, any manuals under the category will appear within the category.
Note: This feature is not available if your site is connected to Zendesk or WordPress [deprecated].
What is a category?
Categories are used to divide manuals into broader groups. In the example below the table of contents for a site using the 2019 template. "Departments" and "Technology" are the categories. Separating manuals can make it easier for your end users to navigate through your site.
Add a new category
1. Navigate to the Table of Contents
2. Click Create New > Category

3. Name the Category and select a heading style
The heading style affects the icons that appear next to manual titles in that group.
If you are using the 2019 Site Template then you will have the option of List or Grid (see examples below).
If you are using the 2015 Site Template then you will have the options of List, Small, or Large (see examplers below).
Click Save Category to create the new category.

2015 Template Heading style examples

Andrew Nilsen
Can we create similar dividers within a manual to help better organize chapters?
Greg DeVore
@Andrew - There isn't any way to create dividers inside of a chapter.
Matthew Stephens
Is there a way to have two groups side by side. Say a list of top articles on the left and new articles on the right?
Greg DeVore
@Matthew - Groups are only for grouping manuals. You can't group collections of articles.
Hey there!
Can you add a manual within a chapter, or more specifically, add the same graphics that are created with a manual (the images/logos) for a neater chapter view?
Trevor DeVore
@Natasha - ScreenSteps does not have an interface for adding icons to chapters.