
Does ScreenSteps support multiple languages?

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There are three parts to this question:

  • Can I author ScreenSteps content in languages other than English?
  • Can I have multiple translations for a single article?
  • Can I have multiple translations of an entire site?

Can I author content in languages other than English?

Yes. You can author content in any language you like. ScreenSteps stores UTF-8 encoded text internally.

Can I have multiple translations for a single article?

ScreenSteps does not manage translations for a single article. If you needed to have an article in two (2) languages, we would recommend the following workflow:

  1. Create the article in language 1
  2. Duplicate that article 
  3. Update the text and screenshots to be in language 2

Can I have multiple translations of an entire site?

If you need to translate an entire site, we would recommend the following workflow:

  1. Create an entire site in language 1, including all desired articles
  2. Create a new site for language 2 
  3. Duplicate the manuals from language 1 site into the site for language 2
  4. Update the category, manual, chapter, article names, and article text/images to be in language 2
  5. Specify the language of the second site (this will translate the text strings that have to do with navigation, notices, etc.)

Given all of your contributors may not be fluent in all of your site languages, its recommended that you track corresponding article IDs in some way (eg. a spreadsheet), for example:

Article Title English ID Spanish ID
How to copy an article 12345 67890

Doing so will ensure that when it comes time to update an article, you can easily identify all instances of that article regardless of the differing title languages.


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