You can have your help articles and onboarding guides show up automatically in the appropriate Salesforce tabs, as well as enable your users to search your ScreenSteps knowledge base from right within Salesforce.
Follow these steps to get started.
1. Configure ScreenSteps for Salesforce
After you have created a ScreenSteps account, you will configure it to connect to your Salesforce instance.
2. Set Permissions
3. Create Salesforce homepage component
This will create a search field to the sidebar of your Salesforce page:
4. Using Contextual help
You can take advantage of contextual help by specifying tags in ScreenSteps. If you want an article related to campaigns to show up in the sidebar of the Campaigns object automatically, you can add a tag:
Gorav Seth
Would be great if we could enable federated search so screensteps articles would be displayed in search results for salesforce global search!