Activate the Basecamp Integration
Navigate to the Account > Integrations area and click on the Basecamp integration.
Click the Configure button.

Click Next.
Enter the following details:
- The subdomain of the site you would like to search from within Basecamp. You can find the subdomain in the Account > Site Access area of ScreenSteps.
- The login name of an admin user.
- An API Token that has been scoped to the site you will be searching. See Generating a ScreenSteps API Token for instructions on creating an API Token.
- Adjust the number of search results that will be returned. You can leave it set to the default value and come back and change it later if you would like.
- Click Finish.
The Basecamp has now been successfully configured within ScreenSteps. Before you create a Chatbot in Basecamp you will need to get the url to use as the Command URL when configuring the chatbot in Basecamp.
Click on chevron in the Trigger details section to show the Trigger URL.
Copy the URL to the clipboard by clicking on the clipboard icon. You are now ready to switch over to Basecamp.
Create the ScreenSteps chatbot
Navigate to the Campfire tool in one of your Basecamp projects. From the menu on the right, click and select Configure chatbots.
Click Add a new chatbot
- The Name is the text you will type to trigger the chatbot. In this example we will use ScreenSteps.
- Paste the Trigger URL you copied from ScreenSteps previously into the Command URL field.
- Click Add this chatbot.
Test the chatbot
Now that you have configured the chatbot, return to Campfire or a Ping and type the !
character. This will bring up a last of chatbots. You can press the Return key if ScreenSteps is already selected, or keep typing letters in ScreenSteps to narrow the selection until ScreenSteps is selected.

Follow the chatbot identifier string with the search term you want to search on and then submit the request.

You should now see the search results returned from ScreenSteps. Clicking on an article will open it in your ScreenSteps KB. There is also a link that will open the full search results in the ScreenSteps KB website.

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