In this article, you will learn how to build the basic structure of your ScreenSteps knowledge base.
Create a new manual
- Click the Create New menu.
- Select Manual from the menu.

Name your manual
Your manual's title should be broad. For example, you could name it Account Settings, Integrations, or Administering Your Account.
Click Save Manual to create the manual.

Edit the existing chapter
Click on the Manual to view the table of contents.

- Click the vertical ellipses next to the chapter title (in this case, "Default Chapter")
- Click Edit.
You can also create new chapters by clicking the New + button next to Chapters.
Your chapter will belong to whichever manual is selected at the time of creation.
Rename the chapter
The chapter is a subsection of the manual. It should be related to the manual's title, but a more specific area of the general topic that the manual covers.

Create a new article
When you create a new article, it will be organized within the chapter that you create it in.
Articles will contain your actual content. Click on the Chapter to view the table of contents that lists the chapter's articles.

Click on Create New Article.
Name your article
The article title can be broad like, "Billing Overview" or it can be specific like, "How to set up your billing."

Add more articles
You can add more articles by clicking Create New Article or by hovering your mouse under the article and clicking the + icon.
Fill up your chapter with as many articles as you can think of. If you get stuck (i.e. writer's block), just create articles and title them with a variation of a question that you are frequently asked.
Some examples of article titles include:
- How to set up your billing
- How to update your credit card
- How to request time off for a vacation
- How to request time off for illness
Each of those would make great articles because they answer specific questions that customers and/or employees need answers for.
Publish your knowledge base
You can continue creating as many articles, chapters, and manuals as you'd like. Then, when you're ready, Publish your manual.
Click on the Account Settings in the breadcrumb to return to the manual table of contents.

- Click on the Manual Actions menu.
- Select Publish Manual from the options.

Publish your chapters
The default chapter is already published. But if you create additional chapters, you will need to publish them as well.
- Click on the vertical ellipses.
- Select Publish from the options.
You can always go in and unpublish your entire manual, individual chapters, or specific articles.
Publish your articles
Even though your articles don't have any content in them (unless of course you went ahead and edited them), go ahead and publish them.
To publish a number of articles at once, click on the Bulk Edit button.
Select Articles > Change properties
- Check the boxes next to the articles you want to publish (or check the box at the top to select all articles)
- Click Change properties
Click Change Published State

Click Publish > Apply Changes

View published knowledge base
Click the View Published Site to view your knowledge base.
This is the URL that you would share with your team or with your customers. If your site is public, then anybody can view this knowlege base using that URL. If your site is private, then you will need to either set up Single Sign-on or create user accounts for those you want to view your site.