
How do I get FullStory up and running on my site?

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The first step toward recording all in-browser interactions and making them available for pixel-perfect playback is deploying FullStory's recording JavaScript snippet.

We'll walk you through the steps below.

Do you have access to your site's source code?

This is essential for you to add get FullStory working properly.

Do you want to install FullStory with an eCommerce platform?

Install FullStory with an eCommerce Platform

Using a platform to host your online store? Follow the links below to find step-by-step instructions for some common platforms:

Do you have access to a tag manager or data integration tool?

If you don't know what a tag manager or data integration tool is, just select NO.

Which ones?

Follow these instructions

Install via Google Tag Manager

Follow these instructions

Install via Segment

Copy Your FullStory Snippet

Locate the snippet in Settings > Copy

First, find your account's script by clicking on Settings > FullStory Setup. Then, copy the code––<script> tags and all!

Paste snippet after <head> tag

Paste that code on your website somewhere after the starting <head> tag and before the closing </head> tag.

A couple comments

A couple of comments about the recording script:

  • It's super small, asynchronous, and designed to be unnoticeable to any user of your technology. You can read more about the negligible performance impact of FullStory in this article.
  • No need to instrument any elements in your application or site  once the FullStory script loads, it records all in-browser interactions and mutations, so don't fret about how to record that pesky "submit" button  if it's in the page, we see it, record it, and make it available to search.

Invite a team member

Invite a teammate, such as a web developer or site administrator, to join your FullStory account and help you get setup.

Once they are set up, ask them to go through these instructions to set up FullStory.

Congratulations, you are done!
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