
Update Account Owner

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Is requested account owner an Admin?

  1. Can I have the name of the individual you would like to make the Account Owner?

Check the database to confirm that requested individual is an Admin: Refer to guide "Who is an Admin on the account?"

Update Account Owner

Update account owner as requested.

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Request caller to create Admin account

It looks like that individual is not an Admin. I can only make an Admin an Account Owner.

Do you know how to make that individual an Admin on your account?

If they do not, reference this guide for creating an Admin.

Were they able to create an Admin Account?

Update Account Owner

Update account owner as requested.

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Inform caller of options

Let the caller know the following information:

  1. Once the requested individual is an Admin, the caller can call back and we will update the Account Owner for them.
  2. We cannot create Admin accounts on their behalf. We can send them instructions on how to create an Admin user account.

Is Account Owner available?

To update the Account Owner, we will need to speak with the current Account Owner. Is the Account Owner Available?

Request Account Owner reach out

Have them reach out to us to update account ownership.

Is the caller an Admin on the account?

  1. Review the Admins on the account
    • Refer to the guide "How to check Admins on an account"
  2. Determine if caller is an Admin

Do they know the Admin?

  1. Review the Admins on the account
    • Refer to the guide "How to check Admins on an account"
  2. Determine if caller knows an Admin on the account

Reach out to Admin on the account

Okay. We will need to reach out to the Admin on the account to verify the request. Let me do that and then we will get in touch with you.

Is caller current account owner?

Can I have your name and the name of your account?

Click for instructions on looking up the account owner.


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