
Reschedule appointment

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Review practice's notes

May I ask why you are rescheduling?

Review the rescheduling notes for each practice to determine if patient meets exceptions to being charged a fee:

Does patient meet any of the exceptions to being charged a fee?

Reschedule without charging a fee

  1. Cancel appointment
  2. Wave cancel fee
  3. Review patient notes and office notes for rescheduling
  4. Reschedule
  5. Send email to office and patient
  6. Close call
Inform patient of fee

Unfortunately, because you are rescheduling less than 24 hours before your appointment, you will be charged a fee of __________. Would you still like to reschedule the appointment?

Does patient want to reschedule

Reschedule and charge fee

  1. Cancel appointment
  2. Charge cancelation fee
  3. Review patient notes and office notes for rescheduling
  4. Reschedule
  5. Send email to office and patient
  6. Close call

Review patient's next visit with patient

  1. Review when appointment is
  2. Go over anything the patient needs to bring
  3. Close call

Reschedule without charging a fee

Review the rescheduling notes for each practice:

When ready, complete the following steps:

  1. Reschedule appointment
  2. Review patient notes for rescheduling
  3. Reschedule
  4. Send email to office and patient

Can I have your date of birth and your last name?

  1. Look up patient in system
  2. Locate patient's appointment
  3. Review notes for visit

Is appointment within 24 hours from now?


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