
Options for IT departments installing the ScreenSteps Desktop client

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This article discusses the different options for automating the installation of the ScreenSteps Desktop client. The EXE installer and the MSI installer are referenced. Both versions of the installer can be downloaded from our downloads page:

The MSI Installer

The ScreenSteps MSI installer has been created specifically for IT departments looking to automate the installation of the ScreenSteps desktop client in their company and to control when updates are installed. There are two things to be aware of when using the MSI installer:

  1. The MSI installer will add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ScreenSteps\4\Settings\CheckForUpdates key to the Windows Registry and set the value to never. This setting tells the auto updater in ScreenSteps not to run and disables the Help > Check for Updates menu option.
  2. You can pass the ACCOUNT_NAME parameter to the MSI installer via the command line. The value will be assigned to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ScreenSteps\4\Settings\DefaultAccountName registry key. If this registry key is set then ScreenSteps will bypass the dialog that prompts a user to enter an account name when setting up the desktop client for the first time.


    msiexec.exe /i "ScreenSteps.msi" ACCOUNT_NAME=bmls
    Click to copy

The EXE Installer

The EXE installer accepts a number of flags, one of which is /VERYSILENT. This flag will install ScreenSteps with no visual feedback and can be useful if an installation is being scripted.

The EXE installer is built using Inno Setup. A full list of parameters that can be passed to an installer created with INNO Setup can be found here:


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