
Adding a tag for a custom tab or Visualforce page

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You can configure ScreenSteps for Salesforce to display certain articles when viewing a custom tab.

Important: Remember that as you add tags to articles in ScreenSteps that you need to refresh the cache if you want to see the articles appear in Salesforce right away.

1. Determine Custom Tab Unique ID

A custom tab has a unique identifier that the ScreenSteps for Salesforce application will reference when determining which tagged articles to display. Locating the unique id will be different for Custom Object tabs, Visualforce tabs/pages and Web tabs.

1.1. Determine Custom Tab Unique ID for Visualforce Tabs/Pages

Determine Custom Tab Unique ID for Visualforce Tabs/Pages

For a Visualforce tabs/pages load the custom tab in your browser and copy the name of the tab. This will be the value that appears after /apex/ and before the ? character. For example, if the url to your custom tab is:

then you could copy Start_Here to the clipboard.

If the url contains the id= parameter and you have assigned a tag to the custom object assigned to id then that tag will take precedence over the tag assigned to tab.

1.2. Determine Custom Tab Unique ID for Custom Object Tabs

Determine Custom Tab Unique ID for Custom Object Tabs

To locate the unique id for a Custom Object tab load the custom tab in your browser and copy the root folder from the URL. For example, if the url to your custom tab is:

then you could copy a02 to the clipboard.

1.3. Determine Custom Tab Unique ID for Web Tabs

Determine Custom Tab Unique ID for Web Tabs

To locate the unique id for a Web tab load the custom tab in your browser and copy the value of lid from the URL. For example, if the url to your custom tab is:

then you could copy 01rC0000000Ydo5 to the clipboard.

1.4. Determine unique id for /ui/ or /_ui/ urls

If the url contains /ui/ or /_ui/ then the tag name will be the last part of the url path. For example, for the following url the id would be MultiOpportunityTeamMember:

Navigate to Setup
Navigate to App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings

4. Edit ScreenSteps Tags

Edit ScreenSteps Tags

When the ScreenSteps for Salesforce application was installed, it created a custom setting named ScreenSteps Tags. This custom setting has a number of predefined fields. To support custom tabs, you can add a field to the custom setting.

Click on ScreenSteps Tags in the Label column.

5. Create New Field

Create New Field

Click on New to create a new field.

6. Define the Type

Define the Type

The Data Type for the field should be Text.

Click Next.

7. Set Field Properties

Set Field Properties

1) Give the field a nice descriptive name.

2) Set the length to 255.

3) The field name is "ct_" followed by the unique id of the tab or page. Using the unique id of the Visualforce page at the beginning of this article, the field name would be: ct_Start_Here.


4) Set the default value to "".

5) Click Next.

8. Click Save

Click Save

9. The Result

The Result

The new field will appear in the list of custom setting fields. You can now specify a tag for the custom tab like you would for the predefined fields by following these directions.

10. Dealing with special cases

Salesforce will sometimes use the same letter/number combinations as ids for Visualforce pages. The only difference will be the capitalization of a letter in one of the IDs. Since custom settings in Salesforce are not case-sensitive, you need to use a slightly different approach to enter tags for these types of IDs.

  1. Create a new field but create a Text Area type rather than a Text field. This will allow you to enter multi-line text when editing the tag.
  2. Use the same naming conventions as you normally would.
  3. When you go to edit the tag, enter each object id/tag combination on a line. For example:


With this approach, the ScreenSteps for Salesforce connector will find the right ID using a case-sensitive search.

Here is an example that shows how to add tags for both ae3 and aE3.

Dealing with special cases


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