This option is only visible when viewing an article list (ie. within a chapter, within the "All Articles" view for a site, or within the "All Content" view for all sites).
Select the view in which you are currently viewing articles
Complete these steps
1. Enter Bulk Edit Mode
To select articles from a specific chapter, navigate into that chapter and click Bulk Edit.
2. Select Articles
The Bulk Edit interface will appear on the left side of the articles column.
- To the left of each article title is a checkbox. You can select one or more (or all) articles.
- On the left you will select the properties that you would like to change or the actions you want to perform.
3. Add actions and/or properties to change and apply
Click Change Properties buttons to select changes you would like to make. You will be presented with an interface for changing that specific property.
If you would like to Copy or Move articles, then click on the Select an action button.
- Each time you add a property to change it will appear in a list.
- The list will show you all properties that will be changed when you click Apply Changes.
A warning message will appear. Click Perform Bulk Action to complete.
Complete these steps
1. Click Bulk Edit
2. Select Articles
- Check the box next to the individual articles you want to modify
OR - Check the box at the top of the checkbox column to select all articles in the chapter (if you entered Bulk Edit from within a chapter) or all articles that match your filters (if you entered Bulk Edit from All Articles).
By default, checking the top box will only select (up to) the 10 articles that display on the page at one time. To select those not visible on the page, as well, click the text that says Select all articles that match this search.
3. Add actions and/or properties to change and apply
Click Change Properties buttons to select changes you would like to make. You will be presented with an interface for changing that specific property.
If you would like to Copy or Move articles, then click on the Select an action button.
- Each time you add a property to change it will appear in a list.
- The list will show you all properties that will be changed when you click Apply Changes.
A warning message will appear. Click Perform Bulk Action to complete.
Monika Swoboda
There is something wrong with the last screenshot, it's fully black :)
Amie Barder
@Monika: Thanks for the heads up - its been fixed!