
How to reorder manuals, chapters, and articles

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If you want to rearrange the order of your manuals, chapters, or articles, follow the instructions below.

You can also move a chapter to a new manual or move an article to a different chapter.

Click and Drag

  1. Hover your mouse next to the article, chapter, or manual.
  2. Click the icon that appears next to the title.
  3. Drag the item to rearrange it.
rearrange content demonstration



I don't see the re-arrange arrows appear when I move my mouse over this area when viewing articles within a chapter? I've tested in both Chrome and Firefox.

My aim is to move the final article in the chapter to a higher position.

Trevor DeVore

@John - if you are an editor then you may not have the correct permissions to reorder content. You would need to speak to an administrator on your ScreenSteps account and ask them to grant you permission to do so.

David Millere

Hi Guys, is there any development in the pipeline that will give us the opportunity to order up chapters & articles alphabetically?

Trevor DeVore

@David - no, there is not.

David Miller

Thanks for the response Trevor, is there potential for this to be considered for future development and release?

Trevor DeVore

You should enter it into the feature request forum (which I see you've already used):

The more information you can provide about the use case, the better. That at least makes us aware of what you are trying to accomplish with the software.

David Miller

Fair point, and done :)

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