
Publishing to a Zendesk Sandbox

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When you set up a sandbox in Zendesk it creates a totally separate Help Center in Zendesk. This means:

  • You will need to have a separate Zendesk account name in your ScreenSteps settings.
  • All of your article IDs will be different between the sandbox Help Center and your production Help Center.

This prevents you from preparing all of your content in a sandbox and then just "switching things over" to the production Help Center.

If you are going to use a sandbox to stage your content in Zendesk then there are two approaches you can take when switch to your production Help Center.

Pre-work: Create a new Zendesk connection in ScreenSteps or change your existing Zendesk connection settings

Each site in ScreenSteps connects to a single Zendesk Help Center. You need to decide if you want to maintain a connection to your sandbox site in ScreenSteps or if you simply want to replace the sandbox connection with the production connection.

If you want to create a new connection follow these instructions:

Configuring the Zendesk Integration

If you want to replace the sandbox connection then follow these instructions and update the account name and API key:

How to update your Zendesk connection settings in ScreenSteps

Option 1: Replace all content in your production Help Center

If you want to replace all of your content in Zendesk then you will need to do the following:

Option 2: Update existing content in your production Help Center


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