This tutorial will show you how to add a tab to Salesforce that displays content from ScreenSteps. It is quite easy to do and makes integrating customized help files into your Salesforce account a cinch.
Are you using Single Sign-on?
If you have set up ScreenSteps to use Single Sign-on with Salesforce, then select "Yes" below. If you do NOT want to set up Single Sign-on (or don't know what that is), then you should select "No" below.
Verify your site is private
This tutorial will show you how to add a tab to SalesForce that displays content from ScreenSteps and does not require Single Sign-on for your users to view a private site.
Choose your site

Click Settings

Check Private > Update

Create an API user account
An API user account is a generic user account that will be used to log users into your private ScreenSteps site.
Click Account Settings

Click Create/Invite User

Create a new API Access user account

Set up login credentials

Add the user account to your Salesforce site
Make sure to select the appropriate site. Otherwise, your API user account will not be able to view content.

View the web address to your knowledge base
Click the Go To Site icon

View your end-user URL

Add the API username and password to the URL
At the end of the URL, include:
So, if my API username were "Tom" and my password were "Hulk1223" then then my URL would look like this
Special characters such as "@" in the username or "&" in the password will need to be encoded in order for your URL to work properly. For more information, see our article on How to Embed Login Credentials into a URL.

Copy your entire URL. You will paste it in Salesforce later on.
Create a New Tab
Click on Setup

To begin adding a new tab click on Setup.
Click on User Interface > Tabs
Type tabs into the the search field and click on User Interface > Tabs.

Click New

You want to create a new Web Tab in order to display ScreenSteps Live content. Click on the New button next to Web Tabs.
Select Layout
1. Select Tab Layout

Select a tab layout and click Next.
2. Enter Display Properties

Enter the name for the tab and other tab properties and click Next.
Example text: ScreenSteps documentation showing how our company uses
Enter ScreenSteps Live URL
Enter the URL to your ScreenSteps content.
If you are NOT using Single Sign-on, this is where you would paste the URL with the username and password.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you use https://
as the protocol. If you use http://
(notice the s is missing) then the iframe may not display in certain browsers.
Click Next.
Add to Profiles
Set which profiles the tab should appear on.

Specify which apps the tab appears in
The last thing to do is tell SalesForce which apps to display the tab in. If your help files apply to all apps then just leave every box checked.
Click Save.