
ScreenSteps and Zendesk Guide Viewing Permissions

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Set up default user segment for new articles in ScreenSteps

Go to Site > Settings
Select Default User Segment
  1. Select the user segment from the dropdown list.
  2. If you don't see all of your User Segments in that list, then select Refresh User Segments from Zendesk.
  3. Select Update.

Set up the User Segment for existing articles

When you view the properties for an article that has already been published to Zendesk, you can change the User Segment.

When you change the Zendesk Use Segment, the setting will be updated on Zendesk immediately.

In September 2018 Zendesk announced a new approach to viewing permissions in Zendesk (See the announcement).

This change will require an update to the ScreenSteps application and how it sets viewing permissions for articles that are created in ScreenSteps and then published to Zendesk.

Note: During this public beta period you will need to contact our support team to enable this feature on your account.

Enabling Zendesk User Segments on your ScreenSteps account

What would you like to configure?

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