The respond-to email address is used for:
- New account notifications
- Comment notifications
- Course invitations
The default setting is [email protected]. You can set a custom address by following the instructions in this article.
In order for ScreenSteps to send emails on your behalf, you will need to make changes to the DNS settings of your custom email's domain. This may require help from your IT department.
Select Account > Account Settings
Enter Email address and name
If you have already entered an email address you can skip to the next step (Verification). If not, then do the following:
- Enter the from email address
- Enter the name
- Select Save and Send Verification Email
You should see the screen below.
You cannot click Finish Verification until you have clicked on the verification email that will be sent to you.
Click on link in email to confirm
You will receive an email from ScreenSteps. You will need to click the Verify Email Address button.
You should see the following message in your browser.
Update DNS With DKIM Values
Now that ScreenSteps has verified that you control the email address you entered you will need to update the DNS settings for the email's domain. This may require help from your IT department.
A TXT (1)DNS entry will need to be created for your email's domain so that when ScreenSteps makes a request to the Hostname value (2) the value under Add this value is returned.
Once the DNS entry has been created click the Verify button (4).
If the DNS settings have been configured correctly a green check mark will appear. If ScreenSteps cannot verify the settings please go back and double-check the DNS settings.
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