Reporting is included on all current plans and select legacy plans. If you don't see Reports in your account and are interested in adding them, please reach out to <[email protected]>.
Viewing analytics is available for private sites where users log in to your knowledge base. For those with public-facing sites, we recommend using Google Analytics.
1. Click Reports
2. Click Viewing/Search
Only those on current plans that include the Content Certification feature will see this as an option.
3. Click Searches
Some of our searches are showing users as not clicking on an article -- but the users say they have.
We've noticed that when an article is "right-clicked" and opened on a new tab, this doesn't register as a view.
The users have been clicking the article in the same tab that they searched on yet the result comes out as blank.
Have there possibly been issues with search results lately?
Amie Barder
@Tumelo: Going to start a support ticket for you so we can investigate.