
Which text formatting options are available?

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This article describes the various text formatting options in ScreenSteps. Note that you cannot change the size of text within the article using the article editor. Text sizes are determined by CSS in the website the article is being viewed in.

The text content block

In ScreenSteps you add content blocks to articles in order to write content. Some examples of content blocks types are headings, text, code, tables, and images. The formatting options that are available depend on the type of content block you are typing in. This article discusses the options that are available when editing text in a text content block.

Formatting options (web)
web formatting options

The ScreenSteps article web editor provides the following formatting options through the toolbar:

  1. Bold
  2. Italic
  3. Underline
  4. Text and Text Background Color
  5. Code run  - use to format the selected words as code snippets (e.g. HTML or Javascript).
  6. Subscript
  7. Superscript
  8. Paragraph style - Normal, Code, or Prompt. The code style is used to format entire paragraphs as code snippets (e.g. HTML or Javascript). Prompt is used to tell someone that they should speak the text in the paragraph.
  9. Numeric List
  10. Bullet List
  11. Indent text - If the target line of text is part of a list then this will indent the line to make a nested list. If the target line(s) is not part of a list then the first line of the paragraph is indented.
  12. Outdent text - If the target line(s) is part of a list then this will outdent the list item. If the target line(s) is not part of a list then the first line of the paragraph is outdented.
  13. Links - Links within your knowledge base, the current article, or to external sites
  14. Insert an image content block into the article at the location of the cursor.
  15. Undo
  16. Redo
  17. Clear formatting - Removes all formatting from the selected text. You can use this button to remove links.
Formatting options (desktop)
desktop formatting options

The ScreenSteps 4 desktop software provides the following formatting options through the toolbar:

  1. Bold
  2. Italic
  3. Underline
  4. Text Color
  5. Text Background Color
  6. Code run  - use to format the selected words as code snippets (e.g. HTML or Javascript).
  7. Subscript
  8. Superscript
  9. Paragraph style - Normal, Code, or Prompt. The code style is used to format entire paragraphs as code snippets (e.g. HTML or Javascript). Prompt is used to tell someone that they should speak the text in the paragraph.
  10. Numeric List
  11. Bullet List
  12. Indent text - If the target line of text is part of a list then this will indent the line to make a nested list. If the target line(s) is not part of a list then the first line of the paragraph is indented.
  13. Outdent text - If the target line(s) is part of a list then this will outdent the list item. If the target line(s) is not part of a list then the first line of the paragraph is outdented.
  14. Links - Links within your knowledge base, the current article, or to external sites
  15. Clear formatting - Removes all formatting from the selected text. You can use this button to remove links.
Specifying the starting number for a numeric list (desktop)

If you want to change the starting number for a numeric list you can do so using the Format > List > Start Numeric List At... menu item.

Specifying start number for a numeric list

You can't set the start number for a numeric list in the web editor.

Inserting a soft return that doesn't start a new paragraph (desktop and web)

When you press the return key in ScreenSteps a new paragraph is created.

The Default Behavior

To insert a soft return hold down the option key on OS X or the control key on Windows while pressing the return key.

Inserting a Soft Returns
Shortcut keys for indenting lists

Indenting a list item

Desktop: Press OPTION + TAB on OS X or CONTROL + TAB on Windows.

Web: Press TAB

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
    • Child item 1
    • Child item 2
  • Item 3

Removing indent from a list item

Desktop: Press SHIFT + OPTION + TAB on OS X or SHIFT + CONTROL + TAB on Windows.

Web: Press SHIFT + TAB



Hi, I am working through an article with numerous areas with bullets. However, I used to be able to use the enter key to tab the bullet over more. It worked in the desktop version but when I publish the article the bullets are no longer aligned like I need them to be. How do I fix this? Thank you!

Trevor DeVore

Yvonne - The editor does not support indenting the bullet list an arbitrary amount. A bullet list item can only be indented under another bullet list item. The desktop editor may have allowed this in the past but it was unintended and was fixed.

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