If your account includes support for checklists or workflows then you are given the option of creating a regular article, a checklist, or a workflow whenever you create a new article. This article will show you how to change the article type after you have created the article.
Edit the article in the desktop editor
Open the article you want to edit in the desktop editor.
Change the type in the property inspector
In the Article Inspector there is a Type menu with three options -
- Article
- Checklist
- Workflow
Select the type from the list and then save your changes.
Confirm change
If you are switching from a checklist to a regular article or to a workflow article then you will need to confirm the change.
When switching from a checklist to a regular article all checklist content blocks will be converted to a normal heading.
When switching from a workflow article to a regular article questions and steps are converted to headings and answers and checklist items are converted to foldable sections. When switching from a workflow article to a checklist article the same rules apply except that checklist items are not converted.