
Converting a heading to a different content block type

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This article will show you how to convert between headings, foldable sections, checklist items, and steps. This can only be done in the desktop editor.

Verify the article type

When converting from one content block type to another be aware that the options that are available will differ based on the article type. You can only add checklist items to Checklist or Workflow articles and you can only add steps to Workflow articles.

Verify article type
Article Type Available Conversions
Article Heading > Foldable Section

Foldable Section > Heading
Checklist Heading > Foldable Section
Heading > Checklist Item

Foldable Section > Heading
Foldable Section > Checklist Item

Checklist Item > Heading
Checklist Item > Foldable Section
Workflow Heading > Foldable Section
Heading > Checklist Item
Heading > Step

Foldable Section > Heading
Foldable Section > Checklist Item
Foldable Section > Step

Checklist Item > Heading
Checklist Item > Foldable Section
Checklist Item > Step

Step > Heading
Step > Foldable Section
Step > Checklist Item

Note: When converting from a Step that includes paragraph text the paragraph text will be separated out into a separate content block.

Locate the heading, foldable section, checklist item, or step you would like to convert

One way to tell the type of a content block by looking at the icon in the outline. In the screenshot below, (1) is a checklist item and (2) is a heading.

Locate heading

Right-click and change type

Right-click on the heading and select an option from the Change Type menu option in the contextual menu that appears. In the screenshot below a right-click was performed on the Perform another task heading.

Change type

The heading type will change to the type you selected. In the following example the heading has been changed to a Step content block type in a Workflow article.

Changed to step
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