When trying to connect to the ScreenStep server from the Windows version of the ScreenSteps desktop software you may see an error similar to this:
(7) Failed connect to your-subdomain.screenstepslive.com:8118
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This article will help you troubleshoot the problem.
The cause
This error is caused an in invalid proxy server setting on your Windows machine. When ScreenSteps starts up, it looks in the Windows registry for proxy server settings. If you check your proxy settings in Internet Explorer it may not appear that a proxy server is set. If you look in the following locations using the Windows Registry Editor you should find one of them set to, however.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer
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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer
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You need to remove the value in order for ScreenSteps to work properly.
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