
How to indent and outdent content (make a heading a subheading)

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Using the action menu in the outline

Click on the action menu in the outline
Click on the action menu in the outline
Move content to the right
Move right
Move content to the left
Move left

Using drag and drop

Drag and drop

Using the Format menu

You can move content in the desktop editor by doing the following:

  1. Select element in outline view
  2. Click on the Format menu
  3. Select Indent or Outdent (or use the hotkey).

Remember the hotkey so you can indent quickly in the desktop application.

Using the action or contextual menu

Click on the action menu in the outline or right-click on a row in the outline to display a menu. From the menu, select Indent or Outdent.

Action menu

Using drag and drop

Drag and drop

This article will show you how to indent and outdent content in your article.

Indenting and outdenting content is very important if you are going to be creating foldable sections.

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